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Self Care

Living a healthy life isn’t just about what’s on your dinner plate or what you do at the gym. True holistic wellness focuses on your emotional, mental, and social health, too. Think of it this way, if you aren't feeling your best, you won't be able to do your best in anything in life, so it's ok to take a little time for you and just BE.

Our newly created self care section is full of ideas to make you feel great, smell great, meditate, journal, read a book or light a candle! Enjoy the ride and let us know if you need help with anything. 


Sea Foam Soap Co. a blue eden company

 300 & 302 99th Street

Stone Harbor, NJ 08247


© 1997 - 2025 by Marketing Mojo.

No animals or mermaids were harmed during the creation of this website.

Celebrating 28 years of creating bubbly bath products and making friends.

Stone Harbor's original and only soap boutique that makes everything onsite!


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