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I've been making this for a while and never thought of offering it to our customers - but after giving away a few to friends that love it, I thought, hey why not? Why am I keeping this precious secret all for myself?

No one ever talks about ways to help fight hot flashes. Honestly, we really don't ever talk about anything that takes place in a woman's body if they are over 40. In fact, we get pushed aside and sometimes made fun of because of our age, hair, weight which are all related to hormonal changes. That is sad. A few years ago someone younger than me called me a boomer. I was ok with it because I knew I ran circles around her (and I still do). But that doesn't eliminate the fact that women go through a lot - from the media trying to convenice us that life is better at 20 than it is at 60 to others not supporting each's a vicious circle that I want to change. So here is my little slice of cool life for smells really good too!


Hot flashes are the most common symptom of hormonal changes during menopause. While they can’t be prevented, our NEW Gone in a Flash Reviving Body Spray provides instant relief from the discomfort of hot flashes by creating the sensation of lowering your body’s surface temperature, cooling and calming skin, reducing redness and evaporating sweat. Made with essential oils of rosemary, lavender and mint! Shake, spritz, breathe deep and go. It will bring relief. I keep mine by my bedside and spritz during my lovely night sweats - I have one in my tote bag all the time. 

Gone in a Flash


    Sea Foam Soap Co. a blue eden company

     300 & 302 99th Street

    Stone Harbor, NJ 08247


    © 1997 - 2025 by Marketing Mojo.

    No animals or mermaids were harmed during the creation of this website.

    Celebrating 28 years of creating bubbly bath products and making friends.

    Stone Harbor's original and only soap boutique that makes everything onsite!

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