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Small steps in creating a more sustainable lifestyle

Writer: Caroline RanoiaCaroline Ranoia

Updated: Apr 4, 2022

We use more plastic in our homes than we likely realize: almost every bath and body product comes in disposable plastic bottles and jars and has plastic labeling. For the most part, when you are done with the product you throw it away and then you start all over again. This practice can make an impact on the environment: It’s estimated that a single plastic bottle or jar will take 500 years to fully decompose. With a little forethought, there are plenty of ways to reduce the amount of plastic used in the home and garden.

Now I realize you're probably thinking that we use 99% plastic in our packaging but there is a reason, glass in the bathroom dropping and breaking = a law suit in the making. Sadly our society has opted to sue people for the slightest of things instead of being held accountable (coffee is to hot and fell on my crouch, I better sue McDonalds - remember that one?) Being a small business we have to put all of our ducks in a row and make sure that things like this won't happen to us because we will lose everything.

But our solution to this dilemma, a recycle program. For every clean jar or bottle returned to us, you will get $1 off your purchase of same or like product. This helps reduce our waste and also helps to have a constant flow of bottles and jars read ily available to us. With the onset of Covid in March of 2020 our supplies became difficult to get - in some cases we are still waiting on certain products and still have not received them. There is a glass shortage and a plastic shortage. Delivery times for many of our items were/are arriving 4 to 6 weeks late - and some didn't show up until the end of our season in 2020 - 10 weeks later. It hasn't been an easy ride at all, but like everyone in the same situation, you make the best of it and find was to adapt, improvise and overcome.

This year we have added South Jersey's first "Refill Station." If you haven't been to the stores or noticed this new area let me explain what it is because it is pretty cool. We are calling it "The Refillary," which features large growlers with pumps that are filled with Shampoo, Conditioner, Hand Sanitizer, Body Wash, Body Lotion Wash, Liquid Soap and our Bug Spray. We have the bottles ready to go and we don't offer glass at this time but you can bring in your own containers to be filled

How it works:

  1. Choose your product and coordinating bottle.

  2. Weigh your container not filled,

  3. Fill your container with the product of your choice,

  4. Weigh it again and write the total weight down on a piece of paper that is provided in the area

  5. Bring it to the counter and we will ring it up.

  6. Price is based on per ounce of product and a fee if you are using one of our containers.

  7. Of course this is hands on but we can assist you too!

This is just one area that we have created to encourage a more sustainable lifestyle.

Arriving this week for the zero waste section:

  • blocks of dish detergent with zero waste packaging.

  • Shampoo bars,

  • Conditioner Bars

  • Laundry Stain Sticks

We are trying our hardest to think of our customers and our world, we hope that you will come check this new area of the store and give us your feedback.



Sea Foam Soap Co. a blue eden company

 300 & 302 99th Street

Stone Harbor, NJ 08247


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No animals or mermaids were harmed during the creation of this website.

Celebrating 28 years of creating bubbly bath products and making friends.

Stone Harbor's original and only soap boutique that makes everything onsite!

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