It’s gloomy. Winter is not my friend. I am a fair weather person. Looking out at the gardens from my frost covered windows this morning only to see snow on plants, containers and the beloved garden statuary makes me inconsolable. Well, that’s a little much, it just makes me long for all things warm, so I guess I am a bit inconsolable.
The dead of winter prevails. Winter is humbling and last nights arctic blast not only made history throughout the Northeast, but for a gardener in the north it was a time to look back at last years garden and to start dreaming of this years floral display.
My personal plots are what I like to call my front and back gardens. All created from trial and lots of error in a soil that is as rich in mystery and a little history as it is in nutrients.
About 23 years ago I started this ritual when I purchased my home. It was Easter Sunday and I was up for a ride; “down da shore,” (hey, I am from Philly). The car was packed with perennials as I set my eyes towards Wildwood NJ. Never studying horticulture I learned to garden from reading, traveling and just going with what I liked – whether it was going to work was a completely different story. At 40 something (then), it was my first real time as a gardener since childhood. I was determined to create the prettiest gardens on the block and with that, it was my hope that neighbors would enjoy the view and want to create one of their own. The idea caught on and they did! Pride in ownership is the new graffiti.
Sitting at the window seat this morning, looking out at the snow as I write I have my buddy Oliver sleeping at my feet, a rescues that came to me with as much mystery as my gardens and plantings. Today for sure I have the distinct pleasure to look outside my window and think, “I am spoiled and I like it.”

With a whimper from Oliver I know it is time to let the him explore the snow. Cheerfully he goes running out the door dressed in his finest hand knitted wool Fairisle sweater from Oliver & Twist. He is spoiled too and he loves it. He sprints passed the winter pansies which are half smiling today from their containers but I can tell they are cold. And for Oliver that was once all cozy at my feet he shows no regrets as he run in the frosty flakes like the wild animal he once was. As for the cat named Isabella who puts a whole new spin on the word lazy, she wants no parts of this nonsense, and I can’t say I disagree with her today. We both choose lounging on the newly washed blanket that is placed on top of a window bench. She enjoys a life that I envy. She gives me a lazy wink and yawn as I read and write this blog.

The cycle of the seasons are so astonishing, no matter what age we are, each one uncovers a new meaning, a new look – a makeover if you will but spring will always be my favorite. When tulips and bulbs that you forgot you planted start popping up through the soil. Plants are budding, and the grass is shedding its look of burnt straw. Add to the mix the scent of spring in the air – ahhh, it doesn’t get any better. Take the time to think back and you'll realize that in only a few weeks the cycle of the seasons will present another show stopper.
When mother nature throws up her starting flag to the sun that’s our que that she’ll be kicking off another season, one that is a little more forgiving and gentler, one where longer days and flowers yet to bloom are not far out of sight.
Enjoy your snow day.