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In a mood? Which Essential Oil will work best for you (and your mood)

Writer: Caroline RanoiaCaroline Ranoia

Did you know that our moods can be affected by simply smelling an essential oil? Scnts send a message to the brain, triggering a specific emotional response. Learn how to harness the mood boosting powers of an essential oil.

If you're feeling tense try lavender

Why? Calms the mind

If you're feeling tired try wild orange

Why? It invigorates the mind and senses

If you're feeling forgetful try rosemary

Why? It improves memory and alertness (try mixing a little mint into rosemary to open up your breathing before a yoga or exercise class).

If you're feeling scattered try basil.

Why? It increases concentration and focus

If you're feeling sad try Clary Sage.

Why? It combats depression by boosting self esteem, confidence and hope.

If you're feeling angry try ylang ylang

Why? It helps release negative emotions

If you're feeling stressed try bergamot

Why? It relieves tension and anxiety.

If you're feeling anxious try chamomile

Why? It improves inner harmony and decreases anxiety.

Ok, now for the confusing part. With so many essential oils out there how do you choose the right one. Here is the skinny on essential oils and what to look for when purchasing.

There are regulated standards of quality by which natural products are evaluated. The one that comes to mind first is “certified organic”. In the United States, the term “Certified Organic” refers to a material or product that has been cultivated and processed according to the National Organic Program (NOP) standards as defined by the USDA. Various agencies, work directly with growers and manufacturers to assure that NOP standards are being met by all parties using the USDA label. These agencies monitor their client’s activity and address issues when guidelines are being overlooked or ignored.

Related terms are “organic”, “non-sprayed”, “cultivated without chemicals”, are descriptions and not standards. A material that is genuinely organic (non-sprayed, cultivated without chemicals, etc.), but not certified may be just as good as a certified organic product, but without the certification you can’t be sure that the supplier’s definition of organic is exactly the same as your own. Unless a product comes with a USDA organic certification, there is no way of knowing what the seller is really claiming. Some people will find wild-crafted products more appealing than organically farmed, but wild-crafting is by definition unregulated and un-certifiable.

What does all of this mean to you? If you're buying Lavender there may be little difference in the chemical makeup or aroma of that oil, it's just a matter of terms, more expensive doesn't always mean it is a better oil, it means their marketing team did a great job with the wording of the product. It truly is that simple. My rule of thumb, go with your nose.


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