The scent spilling out of the vent that was connected to my former neighbors dryer would make my stomach turn - literally. Every Sunday morning while working in my gardens, the scent of fake toxic dryer sheets would permeate my entire home and outdoor space. (Yes, houses at the beach are that close to each other.) I don't know what brand she used but occasionally I get a whiff of it when I walk my dog Oliver and it brings me back. Ew.
I've never been a huge fan of fabric softeners mainly because the fragrance is so manufactured and fake but I do love the idea and ease of this recipe that I found and I think you will too. The benefit, you get to recycling old cotton tee shirts.
2 cups distilled white vinegar
Airtight container
40-50 drops of essential oil
Cotton fabric scraps
Pour the distilled white vinegar into a sterilized container with an airtight seal. Add the essential oil. Place the lid on the container and gently shake to thoroughly combine. Allow the solution to sit while preparing the fabric. Roll each fabric scrap individually then re-open the container and place one piece of fabric in at a time to saturate each cloth. Seal the lid and label the container with the contents and date of creation. To use, place one or two sheets into the dryer along with the washed clothing. Once the dryer cycle is complete return the sheet to the labeled container for reuse.
Cut fabric into 3 x 5 pieces.
I created 3 different scented softeners - Lavender, Lemon and Grapefruit. When fully saturated I dry the sheets on a cloths line. When placed in the dryer the heat activates the essential oils to give your clothing a light natural scent - not over processed.
For airtight containers I found beautiful apothecary jars that have a seal tight lid.
Have fun and let me know what you think.
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I love this idea. I have been doing this for a few years now, along with dryer balls. So much nicer than chemicals!