Happy August. Can you feel the change?

As I sit here writing this blog, and thinking of these amazing summer days watching my sunflowers grow taller and happier every day, sadly I am reminded how quickly summer passes by. Every year I say the same thing and every August I start feeling the crunch of the end mentally as well as with our college staff leaving us and going back to school.
The transition requires a lot of planning and rescheduling, additionally we try to get as much product out on the floor as humanly possible and we are also making all fall (lots of pumpkin spice lovers out there). This time of year also involves getting all of our upcoming fall festivals and holiday parties scheduled plus creating a fall and holiday schedule for our candle making workshops, all while I try to keep in mind my purpose.
What, there is a purpose to what we do? Of course, what business doesn’t have a purpose? In January, of each year I try to choose a word to guide my daily endeavors and intentions. This year I chose “growth,” but by mid March my focal point changed and “grace” seemed to be my new directive.
Grace requires dignity and humility which feeds into an attitude of gratitude and resilience with a dash of forgiveness. If I focused on Grace my goal was to nurture a way to navigate life’s ups and downs with a sense of serenity and beauty. It is a reminder to be gentle on ourselves, seek balance and embrace each moment with an open heart.(long walks with Oliver help to maintain this focus and just seeing the beauty daily that I am surrounded by without taking a moment for granted).
Well, easier said than done.

As small businesses around the globe continue to experience significant disruptions and challenges I was reminded to stay strong, be resilient and commit to our singular objective - our customers. As a shop that produces all handmade products embracing grace is a crucial element. Supplies are still difficult to get, (almost 4 years after Covid). It’s been an ever changing landscape but here is our secret - there’s no greater feeling than being surrounded by beautiful scents and products and we make them all.
We are incredibly grateful for you, so this is where grace comes in, it’s our commitment and compassion for what we do and it is our hope that you will continue to purchase our products and share your finds with your friends.
Don’t forget to check out the cutest pet boutique in Stone Harbor called OliverandTwistNJ.com
Caroline, Oliver & Staff
