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Bug BE Gone

Our own hand made snazzy Bug BE Gone aka (BEG) cause the bugs will be begging you not to spray them!
This spray really works! I know, it sort of shocked us too but has been a customer favorite since 2001!
 Made with distilled water, hydrosol, essential oils of eucalyptus, citronella, lemongrass, lemon balm, lavender, tea tree, peppermint and rosemary it also makes a great refreshing spritz in the heat of the day.
HINT: Keep it cool. It not only keeps the bugs away keeps you cool during the heat of the day.
Not meant for children under 6 years of age.

Sea Foam Soap Co. a blue eden company

 300 & 302 99th Street

Stone Harbor, NJ 08247


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No animals or mermaids were harmed during the creation of this website.

Celebrating 28 years of creating bubbly bath products and making friends.

Stone Harbor's original and only soap boutique that makes everything onsite!


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